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Search results

  1. Clover

    Ace Attorney Mafia

    Brock: Sure! So let's say you're Maya. After I send you your role confirmation tonight, you can either wait to send in the username of who you wish to channel, or just reply saying "I don't care, I'll take the first guy who dies in the morning" or something like that. However that goes, after...
  2. Clover

    Ace Attorney Mafia

    Heee twenty people already! I'll throw in more roles - mayor and vanished, perhaps? And okay Dahlia can be Elise Deauxnim if I don't have to revise the dumb first post. :( Changed in name only~~ I'll keep this up for another day or two, in case anyone else wants to join. The more players, the...
  3. Clover

    Ace Attorney Mafia

    hurpderp how did I miss that I've only been working on this txt for a month. yes Alita Tiala is lover! give me a minute. Only lethal attacks. Revenge kill, mafia kill, yes; healer clash no. Danni? haha... That's Zarla. :3
  4. Clover

    Ace Attorney Mafia

    Ace Attorney Mafia v.2.0: Trials and Tribulations + Apollo Justice style Sup tcodf. So a bunch of you probably don't remember, but about a thousand years ago on pre-explosion vB, I ran an Ace Attorney mafia based on the first two games. I don't remember much of it myself except for the whole...
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